Drach caves: half day of natural wonders

Zero CO2 emission



The Caves of Drach are the best known underground caves in Mallorca. Mentioned in the novel "Clovis Dartetor" by Jules Verne, it can be said that this is a real journey to the centre of the earth. The spectacle of light and colour along the tour with the impressive stalagmites, stalactites and natural aquifers, make visiting these caves an experience to remember. The tour also includes a visit to the famous Majorica pearl factory.

The Cuevas del Drach are four impressive caves (formed in the interior of carbonate rocks between 11 and 5.3 million years ago) located on the east coast of Mallorca, specifically in the town of Porto Cristo. Their interior could easily be mistaken for a science fiction film set, but can easily be explained as a lifelong result of the filtration of rainwater dripping onto limestone rocks that dissolve easily on contact. This process of erosion has resulted in the sculpting of stalactites and associated stalagmites.

The first writings on the cave date back to the 14th century and as early as 1784 Cardinal Despuig included these caves in his map of Mallorca, although the first real exploration did not take place until the 19th century (by cartographer and speleologist MF Will) and, years later, by EA Martel. During Martel's exploration, he discovered new caves and a huge lake, actually one of the largest underground lakes in the world, measuring more than 170 metres long and between 4 and 12 metres deep. In the lake, which now bears his name, a fantastic music concert has been held since 1935 and consists of classical music.

Our tour has an interesting stop at the historic Pearl Factory, which has over a hundred years of experience in the manufacture of world-renowned organic artificial pearls, the factory has a multimedia area, luxury boutique with unique prices and a relaxing lounge bar. The factory, founded more than a century ago by a German engineer, is a European benchmark in the artificial pearl manufacturing process. Join us on this tour and discover this impressive creation of nature.

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More Information

► Photography is permitted in the Caves of Drach, but the use of flash is prohibited.

► During the visit a total of 320 steps will be climbed and descended. Not suitable for wheelchair users or those with walking difficulties.

► It is not permitted to take a pram into the caves.

► Temperatures in the Caves of Drach vary between 18 and 20 degrees all year round.

Carbon footprint offsetting

Carbon offsetting is a method used to balance greenhouse gas emissions by investing in projects that reduce or eliminate equivalent emissions elsewhere.

At Lemon Tours, we carefully calculate the carbon footprint of each of our tours, considering factors such as transportation and activity consumption. We then invest in a variety of United Nations certified carbon offset projects, such as renewable energy, reforestation and others, to offset these emissions.

Carbon Saved - 5 Kg

Booking terms and conditions

Please see our cancellation policy at the bottom of the page.


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